Minggu, 17 Maret 2013

Posted by Kiki Risky | File under : , ,
Repetition For

As in the previous loop structure code execution repeating several times.

The form of the for loop,

for (InitExpression; LoopCondition; StepExpression) {

Another way to create a branching is to use
switch keyword. By using a switch we can do
branching with diverse requirements.

Shape switch,

switch (switch_expression) {
case_selection1 case:
statement1; / / block 1
case_selection2 case:
statement1; / / block 2
statement1; / / block n

Posted by Kiki Risky | File under : , ,
Statement on else part of the if-else block can be another if else structure. Such structures allow us to make the selection more complex requirements.

Forms of if-else if,

if (boolean_expression1)
else if (boolean_expression2)

If-else structure is used when we want to execute a statement with a condition statement true and others false conditions.

The form of the if-else,

if (boolean_expression)

For more than one line,

Structure determines if a statement (or a block statement) that
will be executed if and only if the requirements of boolean (boolean statement) is true.

Shape if the first line of the statement,

if (boolean_expression)


The form if more than one line statement,

if (boolean_expression) {

Posted by Kiki Risky | File under : , ,
The variable is a place in memory that is allocated to hold data that has a temporary nature, which is used only when the program is still running and removed / deleted from memory after the program ends.

Declaration Format:
TipeData namaVariabel [= inisialisasiNilaiAwal];

int nilaiAbsen;
int nilaiTugas, nilaiUTS, nilaiUAS;
String firstName = "Tariq"
NamaTengah String = "Athar", LastName = "Kisan";
nilaiHuruf char = 'A';

Posted by Kiki Risky | File under : ,
A. Primitive
Her Types as follows:

Type of data in the form class, which class has various functions that can be used for programming.
Her Types include:
Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Boolean, Character, String, and so forth.
Posted by Kiki Risky | File under : ,
 Showing Results in Screen Monitor

To display the results to the screen can be done with a few commands, such as:

A. Console environment
using the method print () or println () in the class system in the java.lang package structure. This package is the default package for all java apps, so it does not need to be imported into the program.

B. Using the GUI components
using JOptionPane class that is a component of the package javax.swing. Both the output and the input (showMesageDialog () or showInputDialog ()).

 Reading Data From Keyboard Input

 To display the results to the screen can be done with a few commands, such as:

 A.Console environment
using the method print () or println () in the class system in the java.lang package structure. This package is the default package for all java apps, so it does not need to be imported into the program.

B.Using the GUI components
using JOptionPane class that is a component of the package javax.swing. Both the output and the input (showMesageDialog () or showInputDialog ()).

Posted by Kiki Risky | File under : ,
 Creating objects of a Class

To create a new operator takes an object. The shape is generally as follows:

namaKelas namaKelas namaObjek = new ();


ObjMahasiswa student = new Student ();

 Accessing Data and Methods of a Class

 To access the data and the method on an object can be done in the following way:

namaObjek.namaMethod ();

That needs to access the data and methods is how to set the level of accessibility (accesibility level) the two elements of the class that access, whether the default, public, private, or protected.


objMahasiswa.bayarKuliah ();

Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

Posted by Kiki Risky | File under : ,
  1. Object is a unitary entity (object), either in the form of real and unreal objectives such as system or concept that has characteristics and properties of the function.
    Examples: cake, markers, cars, phones, etc.
  2.  The class is modeling of the object that contains information (rules) of the characteristic properties (data) and behaviors (methods) that are owned by the object.
    Examples: cake recipe, material markers, etc.
  3.   Instance is the embodiment, which in terms of programming, an object is an instance (manifestation) of a class. Instantiation is: the embodiment of a class of objects. Usually within the Java programming using the new command.
Posted by Kiki Risky | File under : ,

Been a long time did not post, so posting ga definitely important. Hehe ... The development of programming language which is arguably one inconsiderate. Cepetnya not maen .... Learning unfinished one, already out the laennya. But for me personally the language of this one was more interesting and more menanatang to learn.

To be able to lord particular programming language, of course, in addition to lots of exercise, is also supported by the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) used. For the Java language, there are a lot of IDE that can be used. But one of my favorite IDE is netbeans. Really correspond with the slogan "The only IDE you need". Lots of features offered by the IDE on this one, and not only are Java are supported by netbeans, C + + and php coding can be through netbeans. Klo can not believe just try it yourself.

To learn either for beginners or for those who are advanced, will find comfort themselves with this one IDE. Tutorial is also available on the websites. Also available starter kit package that can be downloaded there as well. Yesterday was also a trip to the netbeans site and download the item (starter kit). It contained quite complete, no software is (Netbeans 6.5, JDK 1.6, et al) and, more importantly, is a suite of documentation and tutorials. With a package of goods (starter kit) is you can learn and master many things about java. Hopefully useful.
Posted by Kiki Risky | File under : ,

JCreator is the development tool for every programmer that likes to do what he does best: programming. It is faster, more efficient and more reliable than other IDE. Therefore, it is the perfect tool for programmers of every level, from learning programmer to Java-specialist. JCreator provides the user with a variety of functions such as: Project management, project templates, code-completion, debugger interface, editor with syntax highlighting, wizards and a fully customizable user interface

With JCreator you can directly compile or run your Java program without activating the main document first. JCreator will automatically find the file with the main method or the html file holding the java applet, then it will start the appropriate tool.
JCreator is written entirely in C + +, which makes it fast and efficient compared to the Java based editors / IDE.

Download Jcreator here
Posted by Kiki Risky | File under :
  1. Installation of J2SDK (Java 2 Software Development Kit): after the download on the site http://www.sun.com, any version. Example: jdk-1_5_0_04-windows-i586-p.exe, do it with double click on the file, follow the instructions and press the button next to finish.
  2. JCreator Editor: download JCreator Pro 3.0, as well as the serial number later. Perform the installation by following the instructions, press the next button to finish. 
          Once both software are installed, configure the Java editor, so that both the software connected when done compiling.

Configuration Editor with Java

Step-by-step configuration with J2SDK JCreator Editor is as follows:
  1.  Select the Configure menu in JCreator editor
  2. Then select the menu option
  3. Click JDK Profile
  4. If the profile is not available, select the new
  5. Select the folder j2sdk is, Example: find the following folder: C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.6.0_22
  6. Then press the OK button to complete.    
Posted by Kiki Risky | File under :
1991, Sun Micro-system launch green project, the research to make the language to be used in chip-chip embendded for intelligent consumer electronic devices. The language must be multi-platform, which does not depend on who makes the chip vendor.

Giving names ranging from Star-7, then Oak and later known as JAVA. Originally intended for programming small devices, so that java has the characteristics of a small, efficient, and portable to different hardware.

Because this project had stalled because the development threatened this device does not have a strong market. Later developed into internet programming, desktop, mobile and enterprise proven or grouped into J2SE, J2ME, J2EE.
Posted by Kiki Risky | File under :

What is Java?

       Java is a programming language on the same computer as its predecessor c. This programming language developed by Sun Microsystems which was developed in 1995. Originally java was created in 1991 by Patrick Naughton, Mike Sheridan, James Gosling and Bill Joy of Sun Microsystems and its programmers.