The variable is a place in memory that is allocated to hold data that has a temporary nature, which is used only when the program is still running and removed / deleted from memory after the program ends.
Declaration Format:
TipeData namaVariabel [= inisialisasiNilaiAwal];
int nilaiAbsen;
int nilaiTugas, nilaiUTS, nilaiUAS;
String firstName = "Tariq"
NamaTengah String = "Athar", LastName = "Kisan";
nilaiHuruf char = 'A';
Declaration Format:
TipeData namaVariabel [= inisialisasiNilaiAwal];
int nilaiAbsen;
int nilaiTugas, nilaiUTS, nilaiUAS;
String firstName = "Tariq"
NamaTengah String = "Athar", LastName = "Kisan";
nilaiHuruf char = 'A';
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